Hours of operation
Virtual Office Hours:
If you would like to contact our office staff, please email us at [email protected]
Beginning September 5th the 2024-2025 office hours are as follows:
Monday-Thursday from 5-8pm
Office CLOSED on Fridays
Saturday from 9:30-3:00
Office CLOSED on Sundays
If you have any questions about your account or need to make updates, please reach out to the office Monday through Thursday during posted office hours for help. No account updates will be processed on Saturdays.
2024-2025 Studio Hours:
Labor Day (No classes)-Monday, September 2nd
2024-2025 classes begin-Thursday, September 5th
Veterans Day observed-(open for classes) Monday, November 11th
Costume Deposits are DUE-Friday, November 15th ($45.00 per costume) ($75.00 per custom-made costume-TBA by teacher)The Balance for costumes will be posted in June 2025.
Thanksgiving -(No classes) Wednesday, November 27th -Saturday, the 30th
Classes resume Monday, December 2nd
Winter Break -(No classes) Monday, December 23rd – Saturday, January 4th
Classes resume on Monday, January 6th
Winter Intensive-December 27th-29th
Non-Participation in yearly performance notice due-January 13th
If you are NOT participating in the yearly performance, you must notify the office in writing by this date.
Performance Fee Due-Monday, January 15th
Martin Luther King Jr.-(open for classes) Monday, January 20th
Presidents' Day-(open for classes) Monday, February 17th
Spring Break -(No classes) Saturday, April 14th– Sunday, April 20th
Classes will resume Monday, April 21st
Spring Intensive-TBA (Between April 14th-15th)
Performance T-shirt contest begins-Saturday, May 10th
Memorial Day (TBA by student's teachers)-Monday, May 26th
Performance Dates:
DWDE Tech rehearsal @ DWDE …………………….....Sunday, June 8th
DWDE Dress rehearsal @ the Sandler Center …..Friday, June 20th
DWDE Performance @ Sandler Center………………Saturday, June 21st
If you would like to contact our office staff, please email us at [email protected]
Beginning September 5th the 2024-2025 office hours are as follows:
Monday-Thursday from 5-8pm
Office CLOSED on Fridays
Saturday from 9:30-3:00
Office CLOSED on Sundays
If you have any questions about your account or need to make updates, please reach out to the office Monday through Thursday during posted office hours for help. No account updates will be processed on Saturdays.
2024-2025 Studio Hours:
Labor Day (No classes)-Monday, September 2nd
2024-2025 classes begin-Thursday, September 5th
Veterans Day observed-(open for classes) Monday, November 11th
Costume Deposits are DUE-Friday, November 15th ($45.00 per costume) ($75.00 per custom-made costume-TBA by teacher)The Balance for costumes will be posted in June 2025.
Thanksgiving -(No classes) Wednesday, November 27th -Saturday, the 30th
Classes resume Monday, December 2nd
Winter Break -(No classes) Monday, December 23rd – Saturday, January 4th
Classes resume on Monday, January 6th
Winter Intensive-December 27th-29th
Non-Participation in yearly performance notice due-January 13th
If you are NOT participating in the yearly performance, you must notify the office in writing by this date.
Performance Fee Due-Monday, January 15th
Martin Luther King Jr.-(open for classes) Monday, January 20th
Presidents' Day-(open for classes) Monday, February 17th
Spring Break -(No classes) Saturday, April 14th– Sunday, April 20th
Classes will resume Monday, April 21st
Spring Intensive-TBA (Between April 14th-15th)
Performance T-shirt contest begins-Saturday, May 10th
Memorial Day (TBA by student's teachers)-Monday, May 26th
Performance Dates:
DWDE Tech rehearsal @ DWDE …………………….....Sunday, June 8th
DWDE Dress rehearsal @ the Sandler Center …..Friday, June 20th
DWDE Performance @ Sandler Center………………Saturday, June 21st
Closing Due to Inclement Weather
Studio closings due to inclement weather will coincide with Virginia Beach City public school closings. If you are unsure, please check our website, your email, your Band App, and Facebook page.